Pet Boarding in Greensboro, NC

For Dog Boarding:
We are often told that Cardinal Animal Hospital is one of the best places for affordable dog boarding in Greensboro, NC. We have two separate areas for dog boarding; a room specifically for dogs under 50 pounds and an area for dogs over 50 pounds. The dog kennels are sized accordingly so your dog will have plenty of room to move around and sleep comfortably. We have a safe, enclosed area for walking all dogs.
For Cat Boarding:
At Cardinal Animal Hospital, we know a calm environment is essential for cat boarding. Our cat boarding room is in a quiet area away from loud noises and high traffic. Unlike other places that offer cat boarding in Greensboro, NC, feline companions enjoy cat condos with a window view of our garden and bird feeder.
What to bring with your pet:
- We recommend that you bring your pet’s normal food with them. A sudden food change can cause an upset stomach and unnecessary stress to the GI system. If you do forget to bring food, we feed Purina EN.
- Your pet’s most current vaccination history.
Add-on packages for pet boarding:
We offer “add-on” packages for any cat or dog boarding trip. The packages include a variety of activities ranging from additional time outdoors to special bedtime treats. Ask us about our current offerings as they are subject to change seasonally.